Dining room
We affectionately refer to it as, simply, our eating room. The atmosphere is somewhat akin to a romantic dinner invite; we vanquished the classic, formal dining room concept.
We fully understand that you would like to sit on all the designer chairs at the same time! Unfortunately it’s just not possible. We do have, however, the right thing to suit all occasions. In summer the dining room blends into with the terrace and the inside is out.
1850 is the year our Stube parlour was created.
It originally came from the Vinschgau. Mum always says, “The room is mine, then,” while Hansjörg wants it as his permanent venue for his wine-tasting sessions with his guests. Theresia was our dear grandmother, and for many years she worked as chef here, ensuring the heart (and stomach) felt happiness of guests. We have dedicated our "new" room to her. 12 seats at the most and there weren't any more than that in 1850 either.