
Owner of the site as well as creator of the wonderful texts

Hotel Muchele GmbH

Maiergasse 1

39014 Burgstall, Südtirol | Italien

+39 0473 29 11 35


VAT-ID.: IT00635220213


CIR: 021066-00000104


Responsable Hotel Muchele GmbH

Managing: Hotel Muchele GmbH

Copyright: © Hotel Muchele GmbH


Branding, Concept and Corporate Webdesign:

2023 © created with strategy and love: Markenfee


Coding and Content Management:

2023 ©: freshmind



Patrick Schwienbacher, Tobias Bradner, Art in Action - Edi Groeger, Guenter Standl, Moroso, Nindl Josef, Patrizia Gap, Rene Riller, SMG, Meraner Land, IDM Südtirol, Clemens Zahn, EOS - Florian Andergassen, EOS - Frieder Blickle



1. Content

Despite careful checking of the accuracy and completeness of the content and information on this website, we assume no liability or guarantee of the same. We reserve the right to update, change or supplement the information provided without prior notice.

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The content of this website is protected by copyright. Reproduction or use in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without our express consent.

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5. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution: